How Often You Should Pump Out Your Septic Tank

When it comes to maintaining your home’s septic system, you need to be willing to do what needs to be done. No matter how careful you’ve been to care for it, or the maintenance you’ve performed, there comes a time when it’s going to have to be pumped out. However, because this system is located primarily below ground, it can be difficult to tell whether pumping is needed or even if there’s a problem at all. These are some of the factors that contribute to how often you should pump your septic tank to help you determine when is the right time for you.

How a Tank Fills

For starters, it’s important to note that how often you should pump out your septic tank is entirely dependent on how quickly it fills up. As waste is continuously deposited into the tank from your home, the heavy materials will accumulate along the bottom and slowly fill the containment area. When this level gets too high, your tank could suffer damage and begin demonstrating signs of potential backup. Because of this, it’s essential that you’re aware of how fast your tank is filling in order to know for certain how long you can wait in between cleanings.

The Rate That Waste Accumulates

The factors that contribute to the rate of rising waste could include things like the size of your family, your collective diet and lifestyle, and even the size of your home. For instance, those who live in a standard two-bathroom home with a small to medium-sized family may need to get their tank pumped out only every two to three years. While individuals with a higher waste production rate might need to be visited by their local septic pumping service every year or so.

The Importance of Inspection

But even if you’re one among those individuals who don’t need to get their tank serviced very often, it’s still crucial that you take the time to regularly inspect it. This is the best way to ensure that your septic tank is functioning properly and at a reasonable containment level. Otherwise, you risk losing track of its maintenance schedule and allowing a minor fix to grow into a major septic disaster. During these checks, make sure that you’re accounting for the size of the tank in relation to how much waste water and solids it can hold. For those with a mechanical readout of these things, the inspection process could be as simple as checking your septic monitor.

